DEATH AND TRANSITION is a compelling, funny, poignant and luscious look at the role of death in our lives. On until May 1st atGabriel Fine Art – just near St Thomas Hospital. So be quick, get down there.
Wake up!
The days are lengthening and life is breaking out all over. Ironically my work seems to be moving through a look at death and it’s role in our culture. My pieces addressing the meaning of loss in Finders Keepers Losers Weepers were praised by cultural, artistic and academic critics – very exciting.
Now for my next contribution and my next exhibition.
Death And Transition is a South London Women Artists collaborative exhibition looking at – well – death and transition.
I don’t yet quite understand my piece ‘You Wormed Your Way Into My Heart’ – I am by turns amused, angry, fearful. Come along. I’d like to know what you think.
Finders Keepers Losers Weepers
My composite work CONSEQUENCES is showing at the dynamic exhibition Finders Keepers Losers Weepers at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL 4th November 2014 – 28th February 2015. Open daily 10am-5pm. Free admission.
Finding something I experience it, it affects my life. I can take, it, restore it, pass it forward, leave it. It can be enabling, threatening, life changing. Once I have found I can never undo the finding and I carry the responsibility. Losing happens when possession, the power over, control is in play. It creates want.
Consequences is an expression of my attempts to complete the memory of unplanned Finding and Losing events in my recent past.
Lambeth Open Studio Weekend
Can’t Draw! Enrolment deadline
This six week radical skill training will enable you to draw accurately and realistically.
For further details about the course content and to see what students do, go to The commitment is six half-day Saturdays – a total of 30 hours tuition. The course fee is £200 – not much for a lifelong skill that will also enhance your appreciation and understanding of art and the world around you! To book, all you need to do is email me [email protected].
PS. I am so sure that if you can see well enough to drive and you can hold a pencil to write your name YOU CAN DRAW. if you follow the course and at the end have not made a profound change in your drawing skills then I am happy to refund your fees. What a money-back-guarantee!
Life at the Portico
The Portico Gallery 23a Knights Hill West Norwood SE27 0HS offers three-hour evening Life Drawing sessions on Thursdays from 6:30-9:30pm. The fee is £20/session – regulars can take advantage of our loyalty discount – every 7th attendance free. In a serene dedicated studio environment with a great atmosphere (and it’s own kettle for tea!), I offer tutoring on request and our great team of male and female models.
We provide easels, drawing boards and clips, and while we keep a basic supply of paper (A2 and A1) and pencils, erasers, charcoal, I do suggest that you bring your own favoured materials.
We welcome life drawers on a drop-in basis it is very helpful to me if you can email or text me to let me know so I can prepare the studio.
If you would like to know more about Life at The Portico Gallery you can email [email protected] or phone on 07967018514.
So much happening! Dates for your diary
2nd September – A fun Taster Evening to find out more about the Can’t Draw! course and try out some of the exercises. 7-9pm at The Portico Gallery, 23a Knights Hill, W. Norwood, SE27 0HS. £10. Book by emailing [email protected].
Domination of a skill
Drawing forms the foundation of the fine arts. It is a skill like any other – reading, writing, driving, swimming – and you can learn that skill. I run Can’t Draw, a course that teaches you the skills to draw accurately.
- Before
- After
Come to a Taster Evening 7 – 9pm on Tuesday Sept 2nd at The Portico Gallery, 23a Knights Hill, West Norwood, SE27 0HS. You can try out some of the exercises and find out more about learning to draw.
It costs £10. Email [email protected] to book.