
Now Show Me Yours - Chrissy Thirlaway

I work from my studio in Brixton, London and in Los Angeles, USA and I am a life drawing tutor at Starkers and The Portico Gallery in London.

My work is held in private collections in Britain, USA, Brazil, Indonesia, Qatar, Portugal and France.

You can also buy or rent my work from Why Not Art.

Education: Maidstone College of Art, 1971

Selected exhibitions


The Male Perspective, Menier Gallery, London
Lambeth Open, The Portico Gallery, London
Urban Art, London
My Place, Brixton East Gallery, London
Dulwich Open, The Portico Gallery, London


Pillow Talk, BBC 100 Women, Broadcasting House, London
Pillow Talk, TEDX, University College, London
Pillow Talk, Brixton East Gallery, London
Lambeth Open, Portico Gallery, London


Death And Transition, Gabriel FineArt, London
Dulwich Open, Portico Gallery, London
Urban Art, Brixton, London
Lambeth Open, Portico Gallery, London
SRA Charity Auction, Portico Gallery, London


Urban Art, Brixton, London
Dulwich Artists' Open Studio, The Portico Gallery, London
Dulwich Gallery Friends Exhibition, London
Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers, Conway Hall, London


Ring The Bell I'm Inside, Tanner Street, London
Swimming Against The Tide, From the Archive, Hide Gallery, London
SLWA Postcard Show, Women of the World, South Bank, London
Hide Gallery, London
Urban Art, Brixton, London
Dulwich Artists' Open Studio, The Portico Gallery, London


Lambeth Open, London
Urban Art, Brixton, London
SLWA, Bankside, London
The Emperor's New Clothes, The Portico Gallery, London


Jeannie Avent Gallery, London
Lambeth Open Studio, The Portico Gallery, London
SLWA, Bankside Gallery, London
Mind and Body Awareness Centre, London
Urban Art, Brixton, London
Solo Show, The Portico Gallery, London
SLWA, Dulwich Library, London


Sensation, The Portico Gallery, London
Lambeth Open Studio, The Studio, London
Urban Art, Brixton, London

Collaborative events


Hidden narratives - dangerous erasions, The Big Draw, Albany Theatre, London


A Public Airing, South London
Art Makes People Powerful, Deptford